Custom Fields

Custom fields for you CMS Pages, RainLab.Blog and Rainlab.User

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I am having issue with the plugin not working as it should be. I am using Blog 1.7.0 and Custom Fields 2.2.5 and when I created custom field and edited blog post, clicked Add New Item button and border box with nothing in it display.

I also have SEO Manager 5.0.5 which other suggest to turn it off but tried that method and the above issue remain the same. So I am not sure what to do to get Custom Field working.

I am working from local machine using Laragon and deployed to my share hosting and both present the same issue not showing the custom field in blog post.

Can anyone please assist me the steps to diagnose or what I am missing to get this plugin working?

On the side note the spelling error for Fieldsd in both import and export button after you click Custom Fields tab


The plugin has been updated.
Reinstall the plugin and check.


Thank you for the prompt update Vladimir.

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