Update the plugin.
List the categories you want to see in the slider, separated by commas.
For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDlePjxsLQw
If this helped you, please write a review or just note that the plugin is useful.
Last updated
With a large number of category (more than 50) your option is not so convenient. Better - all categories except....
In addition, add if possible to show random.
And so - the plug-in is useful and easy to use. Thank you for your work.
Thank you for the speed! It's working. Tell me how to make pictures of different sizes equal at the slide.
There is a code with the display of the picture as: (works with the blog)
{% set image = post.featured_images.first %}
<a class="img-link" href="{{ post.url }}"><img src="{{post.custom_fields.featured_image|media}}" alt="" /></a>
With your template how to edit correctly? (as it is now - does not work)
Something like that: <img src="{{ post.featured_images[0].thumb(250, 150, {'mode' : 'crop'}) }}">
See also:
Last updated
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