
Adds global search capabilities to October CMS

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is it possible to enter multiple searchwords? I really like what you have created here. But I get no result when I give 2 words on submit.


Hi niekdemelker5264

Currently there is only a simple search method implemented.

What contents are you searching? What exaclty do you mean by two words? Can you give me an example of a query?




when I use the searchbox and i search for ''kid' i find multiple results, and when i search for 'baby' i also find multiple results. Some are the same page. but when I try to search for 'baby kid' i get nothing. no results while there should be.

Maybe there should be an array with multiple keywords and a something like explode('+', $_GET['q']) because the space is replaced bij a + in the querysting

Last updated


Hi niekdemelker5264

This is actually done by design. It is always searched for the exact query the user has entered. Maybe I will implement an other search provider that uses the fulltext search functions of mysql in a future release.

Until then you could easily do this yourself. See the Add support for custom plugin contents in the docs and combine it with something like this.

The plus sign in the query string gets decoded correctly. So if you would like to search separately for every word in the query you'd have to use $queries = explode(' ', $query);.

Last updated

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