
Adds global search capabilities to October CMS

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I am adding 2 different featured images in my ProBlog posts. 1 square and the 1 landscape.

I want the square to be part of the search box expandable dropdown (works fine), and the landscape on the results page.

UPDATE: In ProBlog you can set more than one featured_images. But I believe the


...Is only programmed to return the first result.

protected function getThumb($images)...
$image = $images->first();

So something like below works for the second image...

protected function getThumb($images)...
$image = $images->get(1);

Last updated


Problem sorted :) noticed the model object which contains all the data.

Is instead of...

{{ result.thumb }}

I use...

{{ result.model.featured_images[0] }}
{{ result.model.featured_images[1] }}

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