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I have my Logo in nav and footer and when I inspect its src in both images link to different generated images.... I use something {{'/assets/images/logo.png'|theme}}in my theme's .htm files, to link to it ... any idea what's wrong or is maybe a bug ;-)


I have my Logo in nav and footer and when I inspect its src in both images link to different generated images....

What do you mean by different images? Can you share some code?

If you replaced the image with the same name, but the old version is still dipslayed, you can delete the generated file in your storage/temp folder. It will be re-created on the next page load.

<h2>Hey Look my Logo</h2>
<img src="{{'assets/images/hsr.png'|theme}}" alt="">
<h2>hey loook ma Logo... again</h2>
<img src="{{'assets/images/hsr.png'|theme}}" alt="">

which results in

<h2>Hey Look my Logo</h2>
<img src="/storage/temp/public/83f/b8b/29f/hsr__800.png" alt="" srcset="/storage/temp/public/83f/b8b/29f/hsr__800.png 800w, /storage/temp/public/83f/b8b/29f/hsr__400.png 400w, /storage/temp/public/83f/b8b/29f/hsr__768.png 768w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px">
<h2>hey loook ma Logo... again</h2>
<img src="/storage/temp/public/e6e/247/850/hsr__800.png" alt="" srcset="/storage/temp/public/e6e/247/850/hsr__800.png 800w, /storage/temp/public/e6e/247/850/hsr__400.png 400w, /storage/temp/public/e6e/247/850/hsr__768.png 768w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px">

And when you take a closer look, the same path results in two different Images.

.... forget it even without your plugin it downloads the image twice.... and you know why?

{{'assets/images/hsr.png'|theme}} and {{'/assets/images/hsr.png'|theme}}are not the same paths ;-)

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