
Create amazing job listings (vacancies) and let guests apply to them

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Hello, I've purchased and installed this plugin, but do not receive any emails when the form is submitted. I added a message->to address in the Application.php model and have verified that my mail.php file has the correct settings, but I do not receive any email when the form is submitted. If I send a test from the Mail Templates area in the October admin I receive the test mail with no problem. What else needs to be configured to receive emails from this plugin as advertised?

Secondly, it would be great if file uploading was added to this so applicants could attach their resume and have that stored in the database as well!

Last updated



This email message is sent to the mail administrator (user with the ID: 1). Please change his email to Yours and You will receive these applications.

Thanks for using this plugin! I hope it is useful to You or Your company.

And thank You for Your suggestion! I will look into it :)



Thank you for the reply and explanation mja! Unfortunately the user with ID 1 has a valid email account and we aren't receiving anything from the plugin.

Also, have you ever run in to issues where the plugin works in a local MAMP environment (as far as showing the application form) but when moving everything to a live server that shares the same MySQL database, the form doesn't show up while the vacancies still do?

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