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Jobs plugin by Matiss Janis Aboltins is a simple way to embed Your companies open vacancies right in Your October CMS page.

This plugins lets You create and manage vacancy lists as well as create a contact form for application submission. The best thing about this plugin is that applications are stored in the database as well as sent to email of Your choice, so You will never lose this precious information.


  1. Open up the backend control panel (e.g. http://localhost:8000/backend);
  2. Click on settings in the top menu;
  3. Find Updates in the side navigation;
  4. In the page which opens up look for a search bar and install button;
  5. Type in Mja.Jobs and install the plugin.

Component Usage

Embedding vacancies or vacancy contact form has been made extremely easy. In the following example You can see how to embed both the vacancy list and contact form in a single page. They can also be used separately.

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-6">
            {% component 'vacancies' %}
        <div class="col-md-6">
            {% component 'vacancyContactForm' %}
  • Found the plugin useful on 1 Jun, 2015

    Dear, customer

    It is really unfortunate that this wasn't exactly what You were expecting. Please do understand that we did not cheat You in to buying this product and neither did we lie in our description, documentation or images. It seems that we just had a misunderstanding.

    You are always welcome to request new features.

    Thanks for Your review! Even though it's negative, we still find it very valuable.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 29 May, 2015

    The plugin isn't usable out of the box, especially for standard application fields in the US. Not very customizable, can't have different job postings show on their own pages (only in a list), no file upload for resume attachment, email functionality doesn't work. It wasn't what we were expecting.


Ability to delete vacancies.

Jan 26, 2019


Compatabaility with newest verisons of October.

Oct 16, 2016


Fix a case sensetivity bug.

Feb 08, 2016


Fixed vanacy contact form not displaying properly.

Sep 01, 2015


Language strings moved to language files

Apr 02, 2015


Application management and component

Mar 20, 2015


First version of MJA jobs plugin

Mar 20, 2015