Multi Domains

Create multiple domains or url and bind this to arbitry theme or page/staticpage with extending routing rules use single CMS installation (support backend)

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I installed the plugin today. We are using the latest release of October 1.

I have 2 domains, and I want to pass through just as normal. I want anything to to route with the prefix /store.

I thought this looked simple, but I am unable to make it work.

I add the "Domain Url to bind to select page" box on a new binding. Under the prefixing and suffixing tab, I enter /store into "Prefix for Page-url" (I enable for open full settings to see that tab) The page on the first tab i left on the ALL option.

I expect now that if I go to - it should route to /store/hello/1/world?test=testing which should match the page/route /store/hello/:id/world What seems to be happening is it only ever routes to /store.

I have tried enabling hard mode, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Enabling debug mode only confirms that its routing to /store, regardless of the request URL.

Could you possibly tell me what I am doing wrong?



Unfortunately, the plugin has not been updated for a long time and a number of bugs have accumulated. They are fixed in the latest version v1.4.12 (I hope I fixed everything, maybe I missed something). I have not done a test for compatibility with v2 yet, I hope, if time permits, I will do it next week. In addition, a lot of unnecessary entries that break the logic of the plugin have accumulated in the database of the test server - I cleaned them up and now the demo works relatively stably.

Now on the question.

  • I think you have already done this, but just in case. Both domains must exist and be looking at the same OctoberCMS installation (i.e. showing the same thing when opened)
  • First of all, please see my settings on the test server. And in detail the address is (the settings option is described there) In your case, there will be something like:
  • 1) Prefix for Page-url: "/store/hello"
  • 2) Presetting parameters for Page-url: ":id/:world?World"
  • 3) Remove page path parameters: play with this setting (I have not tested it in the latest versions, because this functionality was not in demand)
  • 4) Enable add GET-request to internal Page-url: on (for transmission ?Test=testing)
  • 5) Do not forget to set the parameters for the corresponding page in the binding (for my example "/prefixtest/:lang?en")
  • "Hard mode" is necessary (I generally plan to make it the default), without it there will be problems.

I hope this information will help you

Last updated

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