Multi Domains

Create multiple domains or url and bind this to arbitry theme or page/staticpage with extending routing rules use single CMS installation (support backend)

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I am creating plugins using the Rainlab Builder plugin. One of the plugins is used to make products by backend users for my website. I am using the Multi Domain plugin to have two spare domains(Domain A & B). What I require is for the backend users to create these products in their separate domains such that a product from domain A shouldn't be visible in domain B at the backend.

Is this possible?



I see no problems with implementation. Create a component for the frontend with domains in dropdown and display the product depending on the domain (in any case, you must have some kind of product binding to the domain). MultiDomains here will rather be an add-on for correct routing for a theme and domain, depending on the url.



In this case I am talking about the backend if the plugin can tie the products that an admin makes to the domain that he is logged into, and ONLY view the products that were made in his domain.

Last updated


I see ... yes, this option is a little more complicated. The plugin provides only multi-tenancy rudiments - only for separating media resources depending on the user.

Last updated

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