Wen i trying to add to form a name or country i riecive the - Invalid partial name: {{ SELF }}::userdisplay What have i do?
So I assume you are trying to save your new partial? Partials that replace component partials should be named like so: componentName/partialName.htm
Where component name matches the instance on the page like:
{% component 'componentName' %}
No. I have created page named Profile and have inserted into it component "Basic info" page is well loaded weeding all are appeared but when I press the button to add and adding info after I press the button to keep and there is an error
Sorry that I misunderstood your issue. Thank you for bringing this bug to my attention. Please update plugin to 1.2.4: 'Fixes Invalid partial name: {{ SELF }}::userdisplay'
You should also know that the component in question ( "Basic Info Display & Form" ) is being considered for removal from the plugin in favor of the "Profile Panel" component and concept.
Please let me know if you would like to keep using the "Basic Info Display & Form" instead of the newer "Profile Panel". Your feedback may help drive the future features of this plugin.
Thanks! I has updated and now all works. About keep using the " Basic Info Display & Form"; I use "Basic Info" as the form of editing of the personal data and Profile Panel as definitive result of the adjusted account as the general review. But the "Basic Info" for me is a more importent because I can correct the data. for "Profile Panel" will be best if it will have a possibility to change a background.
Note about "Profile Panel" it isn't work if i has not include a Gender in the backend of admin panel.
Thanks again for feedback. I fixed one issue involving saving birth dates and gender when none existed. Please update to 1.2.5 and see if it resolves your issue.
Thank you also for using my Profile plugin.
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