
Social information, User directory, V-Card downloading, Avatar gallery, Frontend profile forms.

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Hi Kurt, I would like to create an upcoming birthday list. However, the field I found to diplsay the user birthday sends other data as well > {{ eprodata[].content }}. Is there a field called user.birthday that I can use instead?

  • Create new page.

  • Add code in code tab:

    function onStart() { $this['users'] =RainLab\User\Models\User::with('profile')->get(); }

  • Add markup:

    {% for user in users %} {{ }} {{ user.surname }} {{ user.profile.dob }}<br> {% endfor %}

Sorry for not seeing your question earlier. I have been very busy during the covid crisis working as a first responder and have not been available much for computer work lately. If I don't answer your question about a custom project involving my product in a reasonable time, I would appreciate the courtesy of a direct message instead of you giving me a bad review of my entire product.

Last updated


I'm sorry and I feel bad for the bad review. Thank you for your help as a first responder. Unfortunately, it is still not possible to remove my review. Once the OctoberCMS moderators apply this feature I will do so.

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