
Share downloads only with the users you want.

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I just purchased your plugin and it makes a good first impression for my use-case. I created, roles and permissions. But now I somehow can't change assign a role to a user. When I open an user the available groups are listed in the "Account" and "Roles" tab.

On the account tab, I can select the group (let's say "users"). After clicking on Save and close and then reentering the same user, the checkbox is not selected anymore.

On the roles tab, I cannot even select a group for the user. I just can't select the checkbox.

I tried it with different users and different names for the roles/groups.

Any ideas? Thank you



I maybe implementing my own version of permissions soon if Roles author does not fix his plugin soon.

Thank you for your fast reply!

I changed the files as explained (Plugin.php, models/Permission.php, models/UserGroup.php)

Now I am able to setup groups and assign them to users, but no files are displayed in the frontend. Is there a way to debug the plugin to see where it goes wrong now?

Edit: If I disable the protection for a file, it is listed in the frontend. But as the security / user-based option is necessary for me, I'd be glad to get it working.

Thank you

Last updated


See Version 1.0.12
!!! This is an important update that contains breaking changes. Private Files will now be using PassagePermission Keys for permissions and you will need to install the plugin using code "kurtjensen.passage". If you do not install Passage Permission Keys plugin then Private Files plugin will be disabled until you do.

Last updated

Works like a charm! Great work and thank you very much!


Glad I was able to solve this issue for you and I hope others will see the value of switching to Passage Permission and Roles Plugin.

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