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Hello Kurt,

I'm sorry to bother you with this but after 4 hours trying I'm in need for your support. I'm quite a newby to OctoberCms, but learning fast! No matter how easy the installation seems I can't get the Calendar plugin to work as I would like to. I did the steps over and over again. I would like to display only a event list a shown in your 2th screenshot. Is there a possible way you could set-up an installation on a subdomain where I can loggin and view the settings?

Currently there is only the mont calendar displayed but with no css.

Kind regards,


Last updated


Update to latest version. I have added two new components that load data and show calendar views while they do not require any special coding in page.

New components :

  • Event List w/ Event Data
  • Month View w/ Event Data

Thanks it works!Great job!

only css is still not loaded. I tried switching the "load style sheet : yes/no" but didn't worked.

When I copy the plugin css directly into my own css it works. what am I doing wrong here?


Not sure but my first check would be the layout file for your theme for missing placeholders.

Here is the header for the layout I use in developing the plugin:

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>October CMS - {{ }}</title>
    <meta name="description" content="{{ }}">
    <meta name="title" content="{{ }}">
    <meta name="author" content="October CMS">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{ 'assets/images/october.png'|theme }}" />
    {% styles %}
    <link href="{{ [
    ]|theme }}" rel="stylesheet">
  • October injects CSS into {% styles %} placeholder.
  • JS is injected into {% scripts %} usually at the bottom of the layout near footer.

Last updated


Thanks again. fixed it now!

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