Reinstalling plugin...
SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'detail' at row 1 (SQL: insert into system_plugin_history
, type
, detail
, created_at
) values (KurtJensen.MyCalendar, comment, 1.1.5, !!! This is an important update that contains breaking changes. MyCalend
ar will now be using Passage Permission Keys for permissions and you will need to install the plugin using code "kurtjensen.passage" if you use permission
s for your events. If you do not install Passage Permission Keys plugin then your protected events may not show or may be visible to anyone who visits you
r site until you do add PassagePermission Keys plugin. This update also added raw data element to event array and applied config date/time to all componen
ts., 2016-02-27 22:58:02))
This appears to be an issue with October plugin manager.
This should probably be reported as an Ocober CMS issue.
Last updated
1-4 of 4