
Month, Week, and List calendar for displaying events on your site.

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Hello, so far I have been able to display a list of events, but I could not filter it (just list events of a category). And I need to customize the list look (show date, title and excerpt or content) using bootstrap columns and utilities. Could you advise how can I achieve this? What are the variables used by the an example, can I get the title like this? {{event.title}} ?



There are several ways you could do this. You could create your own copy of partials for the component instance by putting them in the theme. See:

I do not understand how you are trying to filter, so I can not help much there.

The "MyEvents" page variable is an array keyed by [Y][M][D][ Sequence ]. You can see it's format at the bottom of the documentation page here in market.

To learn more, you can look at the partials and code in the public repo.

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