
Month, Week, and List calendar for displaying events on your site.

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I can't seem to find anyway to setup permissions for my categories .. and because I can't do that, I think that is why none of my events will display on the website.

What am I missing?


Permission use is optional. The choice is located in event displaying components properties where added to the pages.

If you choose to use permissions, Passage plugin is used to manage them. Each category can be assigned to a permission.

Let me know if you still want more help. You can contact me directly through author contact form and I will be happy to help.



In that cause, why won’t my events show up.. I have added the Event and EventLost components and included the code for them..

If I do a dump of the Event object it is null.. and there are two events in the dB..

I’m about to board a plane.. so I’ll probably be a little unresponsive today.


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