
Download your app items as client branded pdfs

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Hi, I follow the example from the documentation page:

$pdfGenerator = new PdfGenerator(); //Set absolute path of the Twig layout $pdfGenerator->layout = plugins_path().'/initbiz/pdfGenerator/pdflayouts/example/default.htm'; //Set filename for downloaded file $pdfGenerator->filename = "invoice"; //Set data which will be sent to the layout $pdfGenerator->data = ['viewData' => 'Value of viewData']; $pdfGenerator->generatePdf(); return $pdfGenerator->downloadPdf();

and the PDF is created in the correct directory. However, the filename is something like generated_W4yPGQH1rDIrk2Q.pdf although I have set it to invoice.

Also, I get redirected to the following page /initbiz/pdfgenerator/download/invoice/W4yPGQH1rDIrk2Q With the exception being The file "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/XXX/pdfs/invoice_W4yPGQH1rDIrk2Q.pdf" does not exist

I will look into the code and change the filename there manually but can you tell me what I did wrong/is this a bug?

Kind regards

Last updated


I have found the reason: The filename is not set via $pdfGenerator->filename (as said in documentation), you set it via the constructor. So in my case it should be $pdfGenerator = new PdfGenerator('invoice');

Please update your documentation.

Great plugin, though!



Thank you for using our plugin and sorry for the problem you have encountered.

The documentation is updated :)


Tomasz Strojny

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