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As you may already know, I'm trying to get the category filtering to work. I tried to contact you before without success and your documentation doesn't include anything helpful to fix my current problem (nor does it tell us how to get anything to work actually).
I did a page to display a list of all my articles (my homepage) and a page to display single articles. Those pages work great. Nothing to complain about. I then tried to do a page to display articles from a specific category and I cannot get it to work.
As you can see on those two links : https://allthingsfoundation.com/category/gazette and https://allthingsfoundation.com/category/news display the same thing.
This is my setup so far: http://puu.sh/BMk5R/513a5355d9.png
Can you tell me what am I doing wrong and how to fix it?
File /plugins/indikator/content/models/News.php: in line 225 replace $category = BlogCategories::find($category); on $category = NewsCategories::find($category);
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