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I have getting the following error.

Any help?

No query results for model [Flosch\Slideshow\Models\Slideshow]. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder.php line 223 TYPE

PHP Content



217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 public function firstOrFail($columns = ['*']) { if (! is_null($model = $this->first($columns))) { return $model; }

    throw (new ModelNotFoundException)->setModel(get_class($this->model));

 * Execute the query as a "select" statement.
 * @param  array  $columns

Hey @fabio13290, it seems to me like a 404 error, you are trying to access a page displaying a Slideshow that does not exists.

It might be a configuration problem relative to the Slideshow Component, Could you please add a few informations on the context?

Like :

  • on what kind of page do you see this issue (front page, or backend part?)
  • how did you integrate the component ?

Thank you for your reply!

I am using in a front page (

I have created the page "teste" and I have added the component. Please find below the content of the page:

title = "teste" url = "/teste" layout = "Fremax" is_hidden = 0 robot_index = "index" robot_follow = "follow"

[slideshow] numberOfSlide = 5

{% component 'slideshow' %}



Then it's indeed because you don't tell the Component which Slideshow you would like to display on that page.

My plugin allow to create multiple slideshows, and choose which one you wish to display on a page :)

Make sure you have created a Slideshow in the slideshow section (backend), Then get the ID of that slideshow, and on your front page, add the following parameter to your component (Here, I assume the ID is 1 for instance) :

slideshow = 1
numberOfSlide = 5

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