In the latest update, Entries are showing up on the correct date but they all have a time of 12am and none of the color formatting is being displayed. The update noted that there were breaking changes in the update but there were no update instructions or a guide in how to fix the issues.
Hey Joseph,
i already uploaded the fix for the color, could you please explain what you mean with the time? I am not having this issue, if i set the time for example to 10am it will be shown in the calendar as 10am.
The breaking changes were more meant for a custom markup, everything should work fine if you are using the default layout.
Thank you for the bug report, i will try to reproduce the issue with the time.
Regards Christoph
It only happens when using DOW entries for recurring events, so I'm thinking something is going wrong in Entry.php between line 100-103. Possibly the regular expressions are no longer matching properly?
Hey Joseph, sorry for the late reply. Thanks for finding out that the possible issue is due to the DOW i will try to fix the issue today and upload a new version.
Regards Christoph
Hey Joseph, the new version is now online and the bug should be fixed, if you encouter any issues please let me know them.
Regards Christoph
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