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Calendar is a localized JavaScript calendar for displaying events on one or several sites. The calendar implements a huge variety of features using a simple navigation within the october backend.


  • More than 60 languages for the frontend.
  • Localization features as well as custom markdown.
  • Several options for styling and using the calendar.
  • Support for optional timeszones for each calendar.

Copyright © Waryor UG (haftungsbeschränkt) 2021

This plugin requires JavaScript!


After the installation of the plugin simply add the calendar component to your page, you can limit the retrieved events using the "Limit" property, the "Language" property can be used to change the language of the calendar.

If you add more than one calendar component to the page you could for example set each with a different language to allow localization.

To add events to a calendar navigate to the calendar within the backend and add an entry, it can be customized a lot.

Custom Markdown

If you would like to add a custom markdown, instead of using the default one, please add the following code to your page including the calendar component.

Make sure to deactivate the "default" property within the component.

All customization options for the calendar self can be found here: https://fullcalendar.io/docs

 {% component 'calendar' %}
        {% put scripts %}
            document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
                var calendarEl = document.getElementById('{{ calendar.alias }}');

                var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl, {
                    plugins: [ 'dayGrid', 'list', 'bootstrap' ],
                    header: {
                        left:   'today, prev, next',
                        center: 'title',
                        right:  'dayGridMonth, dayGridWeek, dayGridDay, list'
                    locale: '{{ calendar.property("language") }}',
                    events: {
                        url: document.location.origin + '/api/christophheich/calendar/feed/{{ __SELF__.property("limit") }}/{{ __SELF__.property("category") }}/{{ __SELF__.property("timezone") }}',
                        method: 'GET',
                        failure: function() {
                            alert('there was an error while fetching events!');
                    eventClick: function(info) {
                        if (info.event.url) {
                            return false;
                    eventRender: function(info) {
                        info.el.setAttribute('title', info.event.extendedProps.description);

{% endput %}


The Plugin uses the OctoberCMS licence for paid plugins Regular or Extended.

Icon created by Paomedia from www.iconfinder.com.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 27 Jun, 2023

    Is it works with October CMS version 3.3.20 I try with this version but it cannot be installed.. I need for advice for this problems

  • author

    Replied on 27 Jun, 2023


    this plugin does not work with October CMS V3 as stated in the supported versions.

  • Found the plugin useful on 23 Nov, 2021

    Thanks for this plugin! It works well and feature requests like timezone are handled very fast.

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Dec, 2020

    Great plugin, really nice lay-out, easy to get started with!

    Can you add how to use google calendar to the documentation please?


  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Apr, 2020

    I bought this plugin recently for having a calendar for one of our pages. Works like a charm and has nice options to tinker with.

    Definitely recommended if you need a Calendar at hand. Easy to use and price is unbeatable.

  • Found the plugin useful on 11 Nov, 2019

    Great plugin, the best calendar plugin for October CMS.

    While I was searching for a calendar I found this one and it was perfect for my needs as didn't have time to code one up myself. The appearance is also customizable with just a few CSS changes.

  • author

    Replied on 12 Nov, 2019

    Thank you for the positive feedback.

    If you encounter any issues please let me know them.

    Regards Christoph

  • Found the plugin useful on 5 Nov, 2019

    Great plugin, it is very easy to use and can be used righ out of the box.

    While i was searching for a calendar i found this one and it was perfect for my needs as i am having no experience in programming at all.

    After installing the plugin i only added the component to the page thingie and it just worked.

  • author

    Replied on 11 Nov, 2019

    Thank you for the positive feedback, let me know if you encounter any issues or if you need any help.

    Regards Christoph


Fixed an issue that caused a null error for the start or end date.

Nov 23, 2021


Added timezone variable to the calendar component, this allows to change the timezone for all events of a calendar.

Nov 22, 2021


Fixed an issue with displaying the incorrect time of a recurring event.

Nov 11, 2019


Fixed an issue with displaying the correct color of an event.

Nov 08, 2019


!!! This is an important upgrade that contains breaking changes. The plugin will upgrade to FullCalendar 4.3.1

Nov 05, 2019


Changed Routes.php to routes.php to fix issues on Unix.

Oct 30, 2018


Updated table christophheich_calendar_events

Oct 30, 2018


Updated table christophheich_calendar_entries

Oct 30, 2018


Updated table christophheich_calendar_entries

Oct 30, 2018


Updated table christophheich_calendar_events

Oct 30, 2018


Updated table christophheich_calendar_entries

Oct 30, 2018


Updated table christophheich_calendar_events

Oct 30, 2018


Updated table christophheich_calendar_categories

Oct 30, 2018


Created table christophheich_calendar_categories

Oct 30, 2018


Updated table christophheich_calendar_events

Oct 30, 2018


Created table christophheich_calendar_events

Oct 30, 2018


Updated table christophheich_calendar_entries

Jun 03, 2018


Updated table christophheich_calendar_entries

Jun 03, 2018


Updated table christophheich_calendar_entries

Jun 03, 2018


Created table christophheich_calendar_entries

Jun 03, 2018


Initialize plugin.

Jun 03, 2018