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OctoberCMS AdminBar Plugin

This plugin is a plugin base for others marketplace plugin.

Alone, it will only display a Dashboard link in the front end of the website.

But adding this plugin as a dependency for your plugin, and you will be able to easily insert links, ajax links, and raw html into the AdminBar.

The AdminBar handle infinite submenus and various type of item (link/ ajax link, raw html).

The author's talks

I've first developed this plugin when I needed a front end top bar to create dynamic backend shortcuts for a custom plugin's models. Then I went to the idea where this part of my plugin (the admin bar) could be useful to everyone who want to add front end links. So I've separated it, and make it the more easy-to-use and generic I've could.

This plugin could perfectly fit for every OctoberCMS plugin which needs it and can be implemented in all your themes. Don't lose your time to create a custom top bar just for your plugin: if all of us do that, our OctoberCMS based websites will look in near future like a 2000's browser with a dozen of toolbars:

Browser's toolbar madness

If you need some personalized help, or have an idea to reach a level higher for this plugin, feel free to contact me, make a pull request or just submit your idea in an issue, and I will review it.

And if you want to show me your gratitude to saved your precious time, you can buy me a ko-fi

Have fun with OctoberCMS!

Basic submenu with basic links and ajax link(delete)

How to use:

Add the plugin dependency

First, be sure to add this plugin as a dependency of yours:

namespace Acme\Blog;

class Plugin extends \System\Classes\PluginBase
     * @var array Plugin dependencies
    public $require = ['RomainMazB.AdminBar'];

    // ...
Register into the plugin event

Then, all you have to do, is to register into the romainmazb.adminbar.init event which provides the $adminBar component and its $items:

// Somewhere in your plugin, here in the Plugin boot method
public function boot()
    // Add a basic shortcut, not really usefull
    Event::listen('romainmazb.adminbar.init', function ($adminBar, $items) {
        $link = [
            'text' => 'Create a blog post',
            'url' => 'https://www.example.com'


To add one or multiple item(s), you can directly add it to $items, which is passed by reference or use the $adminBar->addItems() method.

Add the adminBar component to your theme's layout

{% component 'adminBar' %}

Commons examples:

For now, the plugin support this types of items: basic links, ajax links, raw content and submenu

Basic link:
$link = [
    'type' => 'link', // Optional for basic links
    'text' => 'Dashboard',
    'url' => config('app.url') . '/' . config('cms.backendUri'),
    'title' => 'Go to the dashboard'

will render something like:

<a href="http://example.test/backend" title="Go to the dashboard">Dashboard</a>
Ajax link:
$admin_url = config('app.url') . '/' . config('cms.backendUri');
$link = [
    'type' => 'ajaxLink',
    'text' => 'Delete this post',
    'form_action' => 'onDelete', // Needed for OctoberCMS form_ajax() render method
    'datas' => [
        'request' => "onDelete",
        'request-url' => $admin_url . '/rainlab/blog/posts/update/4',
        'request-confirm' => trans('backend::lang.form.confirm_delete'),
        // All the data attributes is supported here

will render something like:

<form method="POST"
    <input name="_session_key" type="hidden" value="6PNdjeFQdv3lgbm2TbvSntAikGbm4jh78sVbgGw3">
    <input name="_token" type="hidden" value="VyXnapUTb8XS5T7zwWAbIdUikL9LSv97UhhGL7dW">
    <a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#"
        data-request-confirm="Delete record?"
$link = [
    'type' => 'raw',
    'content' => '<span style="color: red">A red text</span>'

will render something like:

<span style="color: red">A red text</span>
Submenu creation:

The plugin support infinite submenus, you can add a main menu for your plugin where you insert all your needed links:

$links = [
     'type' => 'submenu',
     'text' => 'My awesome plugin',
     'title' => 'This menu contains much more than a simple link',
     'items' => [
            'type' => 'raw',
            'content' => '<span style="color: red">A red sub-item</span>'
            'type' => 'submenu',
            'text' => 'Digging deeper',
            'title' => 'This is where the fun begins',
            'items' => [
                    'type' => 'raw',
                    'content' => '<span style="color: blue">A blue sub-sub-item</span>'
                    'type' => 'raw',
                    'content' => '<span style="color: green">A green sub-sub-item</span>'
            'type' => 'link',
            'text' => 'Buy me a ko-fi',
            'url' => 'https://ko-fi.com/romainmazb',
            'title' => 'You can buy me a ko-fi'

will render something like:

<a href="#" aria-haspopup="true">My awesome plugin</a>
<ul class="dropdown" aria-label="submenu">
    <li class="nested">
        <span style="color: red">A red sub-item</span>
    <li class="nested">
        <a href="#" aria-haspopup="true">Digging deeper</a>
        <ul class="dropdown" aria-label="submenu">
            <li class="nested">
                <span style="color: blue">A blue sub-sub-item</span>
            <li class="nested">
                <span style="color: green">A green sub-sub-item</span>
    <li class="nested">
        <a href="https://ko-fi.com/romainmazb" title="You can buy me a ko-fi">Buy me a ko-fi</a>

This will perfectly generate a double-level menu/sub-menu:


  • Found the plugin useful on 1 Jun, 2020

    This brings a touch of WordPress to October - but just the good parts ;)

  • author

    Replied on 1 Jun, 2020

    Hi, As you said, just the good part but I'm not limited to the WP admin bar behavior:

    I hope this plugin will be widely used by others plugin to provide some useful links to the end user.

    I need feedback from other developers: if some of them need some custom link's type which can be added to the AdminBar.

    I will release in few weeks an update to allow the end user to hide the links they don't want. To prevent eventuals abusive links or just to let the user customize it.

    And another release to easily make the links hidable due to user's permission.

    Thanks for the review :)


Fix/Avoid Twig Extension dependancy, thanks to m49n

May 24, 2020


Add the right auth menu

May 23, 2020


Add list items and links customization, see README.md

May 23, 2020


Initialize plugin.

May 22, 2020