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Open links in a new tab using markdown

A common need when markdown is used is target the links to a new tab or window using _blank attribute.

With this plugin you can use the filter | blank in twig and all the links detected in the text will have the _blank attribute.

Use it after the | md filter

Questions or bug reports

We are happy to help!

Send us an email to hello@polilla.studio and we'll reply you as soon as we can.

Or you can visit GitHub Issues Page to report any issues with plugin.


Just install PolillaStudio.Blank plugin and you can use the twig filter | blank in your template

How to use it

From this

{{ sheet.description |md }}

<p>Este es un texto con un enlace: <a href="https://example.com">Enlace 1</a></p>
<p>Un enlace con segmento: <a href="https://example.com/pagina">Enlace 2</a></p>
<p>Un tercer enlace con parĂ¡metros: <a href="https://example.com/another-page?var=1&var=2">Enlace 3</a></p>

Just add |blank filter after the |md filter

{{ sheet.description |md |blank }}

This will attach the attribute _blank to all the links founded in the text

<p>Este es un texto con un enlace: <a href="https://example.com" target="_blank">Enlace 1</a></p>

<p>Un enlace con segmento: <a href="https://example.com/pagina" target="_blank">Enlace 2</a></p>

<p>Un tercer enlace con parĂ¡metros: <a href="https://example.com/another-page?var=1&var=2"  target="_blank">Enlace 3</a></p>

Questions or bug reports

We are happy to help!

Send us an email to hello@polilla.studio and we'll reply you as soon as we can.

Or you can visit GitHub Issues Page to report any issues with plugin.


added json_decode and md_line filter

Jul 15, 2024


Tagged version. Fix installation problems

Jan 22, 2024


First version of Blank

Aug 05, 2023