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Even though there is a review saying it is not working, I cannot reproduce it. I would appreciate reviews or requests for support with more detailed information, so I can improve the plugin. Thanks.


Detects user's browser, OS, device, and so on, in PHP code and also view templates. This is a simple wrapper plugin of jenssegers/agent, and automatically installs and registers Agent facade.

Using it is as simple as this;

// in PHP
if (Agent::isAndroidOS()) {
{# in Twig template #}
{% if Agent.isAndroidOS() %}


You can use all the method available in jenssegers/agent. Here's the partial list of methods.

Magic is-method


Device Type Detection


Robot Detection


Device/OS/Browser Name


Match User Agent


Please see jenssegers/agent for more features.

Using in view templates (pages and layouts)


From Backend

There is no special instruction. Simply search for this plugin and install.

Via Composer

Execute below at the root of your project.

composer require pikanji/agent-plugin

This will update your composer.json, and install it at the same time.


In PHP Code

Add use Agent;, and call methods from Agent facade.

use Agent;

if (Agent::isFireFox()) {

If you don't want to use facade, you can use it like this.

use Jenssegers\Agent\Agent;

$agent = new Agent();
if ($agent->isFireFox()) {

It is just using jenssegers/agent directly. Please refer to its documentation. You don't need to install it since it is installed as the dependency of this plugin.

In Twig Templates

Agent object will be available after Agent component is added to pages or layouts. It is recommended to add the component to your layout, so that you don't have to add every page.

Preparation is to add [Agent] to the configuration section of page or layout files. There is no configuration needed for Agent component.

description = "Default layout"

<!DOCTYPE html>

Then you can use this Agent object to call jenssegers/agent APIs.

{% if Agent.isChrome() %}
  • Found the plugin useful on 22 Sep, 2020

    It works perfecly for me, very useful

  • Found the plugin useful on 6 Jul, 2020

    It works as expected, and is very easy to use.

  • Found the plugin useful on 24 Jun, 2019

    It works as expected, and is very easy to use.

  • Found the plugin useful on 12 Apr, 2018

    I thought that there might be some kind of "check user agent"-tag within TWIG, but the only thing i found was some kind of bundle that you need to install. Instead of doing it via PHP, i wanted to have some kind of user-friendly plugin and this plugin is absolutely awesome! I installed it via the backend and once that i copied the component to the page i am able to check the user-agent type to either make something responsive or not.

    I am using it on my template with the Semantic-UI and though that framework comes with a minimal "is this mobile"-request, i prefer this plugin above it. Thanks!

  • Found the plugin not useful on 7 Dec, 2017

    I try use with {{ Agent.isAndroidOS() }} but every comands return true :(


Add service provider and facade automatically

Nov 28, 2017


First version of Agent

Nov 28, 2017