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WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. Using WebP, webmasters and web developers can create smaller, richer images that make the web faster.

WebP lossless images are 26% smaller in size compared to PNGs. WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller than comparable JPEG images at equivalent SSIM quality index.

Before Installation

You will need to install WebP before installing this plugin, and take into account the following basic requirements.


  • Ubuntu 18.04.3 (LTS) x64 or higher
  • PHP 7.2 or higher
  • Install WebP for Ubuntu
  • Pikanji.Agent

We haven't tried it in other versions, feel free to give it a try and tell us about your experience.

How to install WebP on ubuntu

Login to your server as root user and run on your terminal

$ sudo apt install webp

For more information you can visit this page

Install Plugins

Run the following commands in your terminal or install from the marketplace

$ php artisan plugin:install Pikanji.Agent


$ php artisan plugin:install Gotech.Webp


Use the filter |webp to create and get the link of the image.webp

Get image.webp from twig filter |theme

{{ 'assets/images/image1.jpg'|theme|webp }}

Get image.webp from twig filter |media

{{ 'backgrounds/bg1.jpg'|media|webp }}

Get image.webp from System\Models\File instance

{{ post.featured_images.first|webp }}

Get image.webp from thumb

{{ post.featured_images.first.thumb(800, 600, {'mode':'crop'})|webp }}

filter |webp parameters

{{ image.path|webp(<quality :optional>, <getinfo :optional>) }}

Where quality is 0 - 100 integer. 0 - lowest quality, 100 - highest quality. Default quality is 70 defined by backend settings.

Also you can get image info by getinfo indicate with boolean to get all the information of the image. Default is false, and return the image link.


Due to the incompatibility of some browsers with webp images, you must indicate both image formats in your code, so that the user can view our images correctly, if the browser is not compatible.

1. Frontend controlled compatibility

The browser takes care of managing the compatibility, it is the safest way. Although it does not allow great flexibility if you need to add webp images to an element by style attribute or others.

    {# Preparing the image I'm going to use ;) #}
    {% set picture = post.featured_images.first.thumb(800, 600, {'mode':'crop'}) %}

    <!-- image.jpg to image.webp -->
    <source srcset="{{ picture|webp }}" type="image/webp">

    <!-- Original image to old browsers -->
    <source srcset="{{ picture }}" type="image/jpg">
    <img src="{{ picture }}">

2. Backend controlled compatibility

If backend compatibility is enabled, the link of the images will be dynamic and the original image or the webp image will be displayed, depending on the browser.

This allows for more flexibility and less coding by omitting the use of picture tag. You can do this, and the backend takes care of loading the images supported by your browser.

<!-- Usage as usual -->
<img src="{{ image|webp }}" alt="">

<!-- Or anywhere -->
<div style="background-image: url({{ image|webp }});></div>

To enable backend compatibility , you need to go to:

Backend > Settings > WebP


You can do a quick test if everything has gone well, after installation, by going to: https://yourdomain.tld/caniuse/webp

A little challenge

Finally, I invite you to take a Google PageSpeed Insights test before and after the implementation, and share the results with your review.

Thank you!


Add OctoberCMS V3.x Compatibility

Jul 30, 2022


Last compatibility with OctoberCMS v2.0

Jul 30, 2022


Migrate plg from @awebsome to @gotech

Jun 26, 2021


Add |resize support

Jun 26, 2021


Minor issue fix

Jun 26, 2021


Initialize plugin.

Jun 26, 2021