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ozc Jobs Plugin

The ozc Jobs plugin let you manage your companies open vacancies in a overview list and with a detail page & application form for each job vacancy.


  • v.1.0.2 contact form for vacancies application at details page
  • v.1.0.3 add attachment upload and send with email (upload pdf files at contact form)
  • v.1.0.4 add message email template (access able from backend)

Coming soon features

  • application list in backend
  • job search feature in frontend
  • import / export feature into/from CSV, JSON
  • structured data for Google Search results
  • import jobs from PERSY [germanpersonnel.de]
  • import jobs from Zvoove [zvoove.com]
  • export job-applications to Zvoove

Available languages

  • en - English
  • de - German

Additional support

  • additional features on request
  • installation service on request
overview list

Implementing front-end pages for Jobs Plugin

The plugin provides 3 components for building the jobs vacancies list page & category page, job vacancy details page and category list for the sidebar.

Jobs vacancies list page

Vacancy list

Use the Vacany List component to display a list of job vacancies on a page. The component has the following properties:

  • Page number - determine what page the user is on. it is used as a routing parameter. The default value is {{ :page }} to obtain the value from the route parameter :page.
  • Category filter - a category slug to filter the job vacancies by. If left blank, all are displayed.
  • vacancies per page - how many job vacancies are displayed on a single page. The default value is 10.
  • No vacancies message - message to display in the empty job vacancies list.
  • vacancy order - the column name and direction used for the sort order. The default value is published_at desc.
  • Category page - path to the category page.
  • vacancy page - path to the job vacancy details page.
Category list

use the Categories List component to display a list of categories with links. The component has the following properties:

  • Category slug - the value used for looking up the current category by its slug. The default value is {{ :slug }} to obtain the value from the route parameter :slug.
  • display empty categories - determines if empty categories should be displayed. The default value is false.
  • categoryPage - path to the category page.
List page (jobs.htm) example
title = "Jobs"
url = "/jobs/:slug?/:page?"

pageNumber = "{{ :page }}"
categoryFilter = "{{ :slug }}"
vacanciesPerPage = 10
noVacanciesMessage = "No vacancies found"
sortOrder = "published_at asc"
categoryPage = "jobs"
vacancyPage = "job"

slug = "{{ :slug }}"
displayEmpty = 0
categoryPage = "jobs"

<div class="sidebar">
    {% component 'jobCategories' %}

<div class="content">
    {% component 'jobVacancies' %}

Job vacancy detail page (including vacancy contact form)

Vacancy details

Use the vacancy component to display a Job Vacancy on a page. The component has the following properties:

  • vacancy slug - the value used for looking up the job vacancy by its slug. The default value is {{ :slug }} to obtain the value from the route parameter :slug.
  • category page - path to the category page.
Vacancy contact

Use the vacancy contact component to display a contact form for current vacancy, so you can get applications via email (inluding vacany-id and vacancy-title).

Details page (job.htm) example
title = "Job"
url = "/job/:slug"

slug = "{{ :slug }}"
categoryPage = "jobs"


<div id="content">

    {% component 'jobVacancy' %}

    {% component 'jobContact' %}

  • Found the plugin not useful on 21 Mar, 2022

    Vacancy detail link and more link is redirecting to 404 page....don't find any reason.

  • author

    Replied on 21 Mar, 2022

    Dear customer,

    Reviews should not be used for getting support, please use Support feature to report any issues with plugin. I will assist you asap. ( keep also in mind that there are different time zones and even a developer does sleep sometimes :D )

    There was an issue with the configuration of the Vacancies component. See details here Details page redirecting 404 page

  • Found the plugin useful on 13 Jan, 2020

    Great plugin, does exactly what it says on the box. Excellent support!

  • Found the plugin useful on 6 Jun, 2017

    The plugin does exactly what i want! I can have different job postings show on their own pages and there is a overview list too. I need a job application form on the details page, so i ask the developer for it - and he implement it form me! Very nice!


Add message email template (access able from backend)

Jan 10, 2020


Add attachment upload and send with email

Jan 10, 2020


Add jobs contact component

Jun 20, 2017


Initialize plugin.

May 31, 2017