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ScriptRunner uses a component from the popular Wordpress framework Roots.io. It's a simple JavaScript that handles script execution depending on what page of the site the user is visiting. It can trigger scripts depending on name of page, type of page (page, static_page, blog_post, blog_posts) and name of layout. This is done by injecting classes on the body element of the layout.


The script used is taken from Roots.io and is licensed under MIT. The icon is made by Arthur Skripnik and is licensed under CC 3.0.


Please see the Documentation tab for the usage details.

Simply include the component and scriptRunner.classes on the layouts you wish to use it (The plugin requires that the scripts placeholder is loaded before your theme's scripts):

    <body class="{{ scriptRunner.classes }}">

        {% page %}

        {% scripts %}

        <script type="text/javascript" src="myscripts.js"></script>

Then in your JavaScript you create properties in the namespace object that refers to the pages and layouts. This is the rules for how they are added:

Name Type Result
About me Static Page with layout called "static" static_page about_me layout_static
Home CMS Page with blogPosts page home layout_default blog_posts
Complicated-Name's Page CMS Page page complicated_names_page layout_default

And this is how you'd write the JavaScript (common always runs after all other matches has been executed):

import newsletter from "newsletter.js"; // ES6 example - file exporting an object with an init method

ScriptRunner.namespace = {
    layout_default: {
        init: function() {
            // Script that's run when layout_default is matched
    home: {
        init: function() {
            // Welcome home
    newsletter: newsletter, // ES6 example - very clean
    common: {
        init: function() {
            // This always runs

// ScriptRunner itself doesn't require jQuery, but you might want to wait on "ready"
// before you run the ScriptRunner events
$(document).on('ready', function(){

First version

Sep 20, 2015