Asset Revisions
Provides a filter to make the theme's asset revision manifest file available in a twig filter.
Asset Revisions
Provides a filter to make the theme's asset revision manifest file available in a twig filter.

Baguette Gallery
A fully responsive, mobile-friendly and elegant image gallery.
Baguette Gallery
A fully responsive, mobile-friendly and elegant image gallery.

Cookie Consent
Integrate the popular Cookie Consent JavaScript based solution to easily comply with the EU cookie laws.
Cookie Consent
Integrate the popular Cookie Consent JavaScript based solution to easily comply with the EU cookie laws.

Script Runner
A simple solution to manage and run scripts in a theme.
Script Runner
A simple solution to manage and run scripts in a theme.

Twig Color Tools
A collection of Twig functions for working with colors
Twig Color Tools
A collection of Twig functions for working with colors