Product support

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Search engine ID

When calling the API, the user issues requests against an existing instance of a CSE. Therefore, before using this API you will need to create a CSE in the CSE Google Control Panel. Follow the tutorial to learn more about the different configuration options. Once you have setup a CSE, you can find the CSE's ID in the Setup > Basics > Details section of the Control Panel for the CSE.

API key

The Custom Search API requires the use of an API key. It will need to be added to the searchResults component API Key property. Custom Search Engine (free edition) users can obtain the key from the Google API Console.

The API provides 100 search queries per day for free. If you need more, you may sign up for billing in the API Console. Additional requests cost $5 per 1000 queries, up to 10k queries per day.


Please use GitHub Issues to report any issues with this plugin.

Reviews should not be used for getting support or reporting bugs, if you need support please use the Plugin support link.



To use this plugin you will need the searchResults component added to a CMS Page:


{% component 'searchResults' %}

The default template for rendering the results is

<h1>{{ totalResults }} Results for {{search}}</h1>
{% if results %}
    {% for result in results %}
        <h3><a href="{{ result.link }}">{{ result.htmlTitle|raw }}</a></h3>
        {{ result.htmlSnippet|raw }}
    {% endfor %}
{{ results.render|raw }}
{% endif %}

To modify it for your own theme, place it in themes/yourtheme/partials/searchresults/default.htm and edit it accordingly.

Once you have the CMS Search Results page configured, you will need to create a search form and add it to your pages accordingly. The best option is to put the following code into themes/yourtheme/partials/theme/search.htm and then reference it with {% partial 'theme/search.htm' %} anywhere you need to include it:

<form action="{{ 'your-search-results-page' | page }}" method="get">
    <div class="search">
    <input name="q" type="text"/>
    <input type="submit" value="Search">
  • Found the plugin useful on 21 Aug, 2019

    Most excellent plugin, does exactly what it says.

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Aug, 2018

    Nice plugin. Could use some tweaking. Why is there no public repository?

  • author

    Replied on 15 Aug, 2018

    Thanks for the feedback. You will find the link of the github repo on the left column. PR and improvements are welcome :)


Fix for OctoberCMS 3.0

Sep 26, 2022


Remove composer.lock to avoid dependency problems in the future

Jul 30, 2021


Add composer.json for October store

May 27, 2021


Update validation rules to prevent selection of page sizes not allowed by Google API (thanks @zlobec)

May 27, 2021


Fix for Laravel 5.5 (OctoberCMS build 420 and higher)

Jul 31, 2017


Add http referer to restrict api key access

Mar 06, 2017


Initialize plugin.

Jan 16, 2017