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This plugin catch webhooks and call Cloudways API for start a new deployment.


See documentation tab for setup this properly.


Please use GitHub Issues to report any issues with this plugin.

Reviews should not be used for getting support or reporting bugs, if you need support please use the Plugin support link.



  1. Install this plugin

  2. Setup the link between Cloudways and GitHub

    1. Go to your Cloudways dashboard and generate SSH Keys (Your app > Deployment Via Git > Generate SSH Keys)
    2. Download the SSH keys
    3. Go to your GitHub repo settings > Deploy keys and add the keys previously downloaded
    4. Go to Cloudways (Your app > Deployment Via Git) and set the Git Remote addressa and branch
    5. Click Start Deployment
  3. Create a Cloudways API key

    1. Log into the Cloudways Platform
    2. Generate your API key using this link https://platform.cloudways.com/api
    3. Copy the Key and Email (it is required in the settings for the plugin)
  4. Configure your plugin in the Settings menu.

    • You can find your App id in the URL
      ex: https://platform.cloudways.com/apps/42/access_detail means that the app id is 42
    • Server ID can be found with by the same way
      ex: https://platform.cloudways.com/server/15/access_detail means that the server id is 15
    • Don't forget to change the GitHub URL to match your repos.
  5. Add a Webhook to your Git Repository

    1. Copy the WebHook URL: displayed on the plugin settings page
    2. Go to your GitHub repo's Settings > Webhooks section
    3. Click on Add Webhook
    4. Paste the WebHook URL provided by the plugin in the Payload URL field and click Add webhook

Renaming token in webhook_token

Sep 13, 2017


First version of CloudwaysDeploy

Sep 13, 2017