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User Connect - OctoberCMS Email Subscription Management


The user-connect helps you manage your email subscription list. You can now easily add a subscription segment to your octoberCMS website.


  1. Cater Verified Users Only

    • Enabling "verify via email" toggle in the settings page allows you to filter spam users and only serve the verified ones.
  2. Efficiently Manage Outgoing Traffic

    • Websites containing more than one subscription segments can create categories for each segment using the plugin. Visitors to the website can only subscribe to segments which they are interested in.
  3. Useful Graphs and Charts

    • The subscription dashboard of the user connect plugin provides a birds-eye view of your current subscription base. The subscription graphs provides a visualization of the number of users subscribing each day. This graph can be helpful to monitor your current performance and also predict your future trends.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

  • A Local October CMS Setup
  • Git, of course


Via Github

  1. Create a folder inside the plugins directory called fytinnovations/userconnect .
  2. Clone or copy the contents of the repository to this folder.
  3. Logout and login to the backend to see the plugin in effect or alternatively you can run the command php artisan october:up.

Via marketplace

  1. Visit the plugin page in OctoberCMS marketplace and click on Add to Project.

Configuration Options

Verify Via Email

Enable this option if you would like to verify subscriptions using emails.

Key Expires in (Days)

Enter the number of days after which the key will be expired. Available only when Verify via Email is enabled.

Running the tests

  1. Go the plugin's base directory(i.e plugins/fytinnovations/userconnect) and run ../../../vendor/bin/phpunit to run a series of test cases.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Icon Credit

Icons made by Eucalyp from Flaticon is licensed by CC 3.0


You can support our open source organisation through donations using our patreon

Subscription List in Backend

For complete documentation of the plugin visit https://oc-user-connect.fytinnovations.com/


SubscriptionForm component

You can embed the subscription form on any page which allows user to subscribe to your website.

Sample Markup

title = "Demonstration"
url = "/"
layout = "default"
is_hidden = 0

subscribeButtonText = "Subscribe now"
successMessage = "Thankyou for subscribing we'll contact you soon"
category = 2
<div class="jumbotron">
    <div class="container">
        {% content "welcome.htm" %}

Component Properties

Value Description Default Required
subscribeButtonText The text which should be displayed on the subscribe button. Subscribe Now No
successMessage The message to be displayed when the user successfully submits the subscription request Thankyou for subscribing we'll contact you soon. No
category The category the subscription will be submitted to. Uncategorized (1) Yes

Verification Success Page

The page to redirect the user when the subscription is successful. Once the subscription is verified there is a message embedded automatically in the session you can use the flash twig component on the page to output the message.


title = "Account"
url = "/account/:code?"
layout = default

redirect = "home"
paramCode = "code"

<div class="container m-a">
    {% flash success %}
    <div class="alert alert-success">{{ message }}</div>
    {% endflash %}
    {% component 'account' %}
  • Found the plugin useful on 17 Nov, 2020

    Everything works, only php version 7.4 is needed, and also before installing you should have these files: https://github.com/fytinnovations/laravel-topping/tree/main/src/Traits

    they should be in this folder - /plugins/fytinnovations/laraveltopping/traits/ for the installation to go smoothly.

  • author

    Replied on 17 Nov, 2020

    Thanks for the review. If you install the extension from the marketplace with PHP 7.4 the plugin will not cause you any issue

  • Found the plugin not useful on 12 Oct, 2020

    Hi! After install on loc.machine I going to CMS in Backend and get expecting in youre component. "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'Subscription' (T_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST)"

  • author

    Replied on 12 Oct, 2020

    Hello Vitali, The plugin requires minimum of php 7.4. Please check your PHP version.


Bug Fix Related to Migrations

Nov 01, 2020


Adding Categories to Subscribers

Apr 30, 2020


Major Update to UserConnect

Apr 17, 2020


Fix query incompatible by sql_mode=only_full_group_by

Mar 30, 2020



Sep 02, 2019

Upgrading to 2.0.0

This release contains some major changes to how user connect plugins work.

  1. All old components have been deleted.
  2. New component created called subscriptionForm.
  3. Subscriber can now subscribe to many categories and many subscribers can belong to one category.
  4. beforeSend event has been removed.

The update will automatically migrate all records from the subscribers table to the subscription table.