Product support

Visit this product's website for support.




  1. Team Collaboration

    • Some issues may require one or more support staff to solve it. The plugin allows you to assign more than one assignee to a ticket. The combined effort for closing a ticket is reflected on the dashboard under both the assignees.
  2. Private Comments

    • For internal communication between the support team, Plugin allows you to post a private comment on the ticket. Private comments are kept hidden from the user.
  3. Powerful Assignee Management

    • Supervisors can easily assign one or more agents to the ticket. Agents can easily collaborate and resolve high priority tickets which need to be addressed immediately.
  4. Track each and every event

    • The notification settings panel allows all the stakeholders of the ticket to be notified of various events such as ticket creation, comment on the ticket, private comments, change of status, and many more !
  5. Built-in default configurations

    • The plugin is ready to be used out of the box, we have made sure to configure the basic settings and seed essential data for you.



Helpdesk has 3 primary Roles namely Supervisor, Support Agent, End User


Helpdesk has a very simple set of permissions namely Manage Helpdesk Settings and Resolve Tickets.

  1. Manage Helpdesk Settings

    • user can manage the helpdesk's settings page and will also be able to delete records from the system.
    • user can assign and unassign tickets to other users.
  2. Resolve Tickets

    • user can assign and unassign tickets to himself.
Permissions/Roles Supervisor Support Agent End User
Manage Helpdesk
Resolve Ticket


The default mode for notifications is email. Please ensure that you have a working SMTP Server configured before enabling the below notifications.

Notify all the assignee when a ticket is assigned

Support agents will be notified when a ticket is assigned to them by the supervisor

Notify all the assignee when there is a private comment on the ticket

This plugin provides a feature for posting private comments so that different agents can talk to each other without the knowledge of the end-user. Enabling this feature will notify the agents for those private comments.

Notify supervisors when new a ticket is created

Supervisors will be notified whenever a new ticket is submitted by the end-user.

Notify users and all the assignee when there is a comment on the ticket

All the assignee and the end-user be notified for every public comment on the ticket

Notify users, supervisor and all the assignee when there is a change in the status of the ticket

When the status of the ticket changes the end-user, supervisor and all the assignee will be notified

Status Mapping

Map default status of the ticket based on different events.

New Ticket Status

Choose the status of the ticket when a new ticket is created. Default: Open

Closed Ticket Status

Choose the status of the ticket when a ticket is closed. Default: Closed

Reopened Ticket Status

Choose the status of the ticket when a ticket is reopened. Default: Open

Backend Ticket Details Page

For complete documentation of the plugin visit https://oc-helpdesk.fytinnovations.com/



The component displays information such as status,title, category, type and priority. The component traces the entire history of the ticket, it also provides a comment box for the user to comment and upload images.This component also provides a close ticket button to close the ticket from the frontend when it is resolved.

Sample Page

title = "ticket"
url = "/ticket/:ticket_id"
layout = "default"
description = "This page displays all the information and the entire history of a particular ticket"
is_hidden = 0

<div class="container m-t-lg">
    {% component 'ticketDetails' %}


The component provides a form to create a ticket. The user fills in the information such as title, type, category and priority of the ticket.


Value Description Default Required
ticketSuccessMessage String to be displayed after the ticket is created successfully. Your ticket has been submitted. We'll get back to you soon. No
ticketSuccessRedirectPage Page to redirect after the ticket is created successfully. support No

Sample Page

title = "ticket-create"
url = "/ticket-create"
layout = "default"
description = "This page provides the form to create a new ticket"
is_hidden = 0

ticketSuccessMessage = "Your ticket has been submitted. We'll get back to you soon."
ticketSuccessRedirectPage = "/support"
<div class="container m-t-lg">
    {% component 'ticketForm' %}


The component displays the list of tickets created by the user. User has to be logged in to view the list of tickets.


Value Description Default Required
detailsPage Name of the ticket details page. ticket No
creationPage Name of the ticket creation page. ticket-create No
ticketsPerPage Maximum number of tickets to display on the page.If the number exceeds pagination is generated 5 No

Sample Page

title = "support"
url = "/support"
layout = "default"
description = "This page displays the ticket created by the user who is logged in."
is_hidden = 0

detailsPage = "ticket"
creationPage = "ticket-create"
ticketsPerPage = 5
noTicketsMessage = "No tickets found"
<div class="jumbotron title-js">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-8">
                <p>FYTInnovations Super Support Team ready to help you</p>

<div class="container">
    {% if user %}
        {% component 'ticketList' %}
    {% else %}
        <p>Please login to access all your tickets</p>
    {% endif %}

Fixed 404 Error on Ticket Details Component

Feb 22, 2021


Handle exception when user not logged in.

Feb 10, 2021


!!! Updated component markup to latest bootstrap and bring responsiveness.

Jan 09, 2021


Fixed Issue on Ticket Details Component Rendering.

Oct 30, 2020


Update Ticket Title and Raised For Option for backend user

Jun 20, 2020


Prepare data for ticketlist only when user is logged in.

May 04, 2020


First version of Helpdesk

Apr 29, 2020