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This plugin is only for October 1. It won't be updated for October 2. Check Utopigs.Epigtor for the October 2 version.

This plugin allows in-context editing (click to edit) features to the OctoberCMS front-end. This plugin is a fork from RainLab Editable plugin but uses Translate strings instead of content blocks.

The editor only allows plain text and line breaks.

Implementation is simply replacing the {{ message|_ }} translation tags with the component {% component 'editme' message='message' %}


Using the EditMe component

First you must ensure that the EditMe component is attached to the page or layout.

It can be displayed on the front end like this:

title = "A page"
url = "/a-page"


<!-- This content will be editable -->
{% component 'editme' message='page.title' %}

After doing this, you will be able to edit the message from the frontend and also from the backend Settings / Translate messages.

Replacing existing translation tags with editable tags.

An example translation tag:

{{ page.title|_ }}

This tag can be made editable by using the following instead:

{% component 'editme' message='page.title' %}

Editing text fields in models

From version 1.0.2 you can edit any model text fields. For example, if you are using Rainlab.Blog plugin you can do this in you blog post page:

{% component 'editme' message='title' model=post %}

In this case the content will be loaded from the 'title' field in 'post'. And it will be saved in the same place. It also works in loops:

{% for post in posts %}
    {% component 'editme' message='title' model=post %}
{% endfor %}


Only administrator with the permission Manage content are able to edit content. Administrators must also be logged in to the back-end.

Front-end JavaScript and StyleSheet

The components in this plugin provide custom stylesheet and javascript files to function correctly on the front-end. Ensure that you have {% scripts %} and {% styles %} in your page or layout.

The styles also depend on the October JavaScript Framework, so ensure the {% framework %} tag is also included in your page or layout.


!!! Please update OctoberCMS to Build 466 before updating this plugin. Richeditor upload now uses new UploadableWidget Trait.

Aug 21, 2020


Fix icons

Jul 02, 2020


Allow to change the toolbar buttons and advanced richeditor custom defaults

Feb 19, 2020


Fix wysiwyg editor styles, fix file upload

Feb 19, 2020


Allow editing of html texts (WYSIWYG)

Oct 03, 2019


Fix permissions

Sep 08, 2018


Allow editing of text fields on any model

Jun 15, 2018


First version of EditMe

Sep 21, 2017