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  • Added on Nov 4, 2015
  • Current version: 1.0.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
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Trello Feedback Method

An October CMS plugin to add a Trello method to Feedback plugin

This plugin adds the option to send messages from your Feedback form to a Trello board. Trello is a visual task organizer. It merge the concept of a project manager with to-do lists and Kanban. https://trello.com

If you don't know Feedback, take a look at it now! https://octobercms.com/plugin/ebussola-feedback



  1. While already logged in at Trello, access https://trello.com/app-key to copy your application key. (You don't need the secret)

  2. Access the Feedback's Trello settings and paste it on the field. step2

  3. Click "Save" and a new button will appear. (If the button doesn't appears, reload the page) step3

  4. Just click on the button and Trello will ask you to authorise Feedback Trello to read and write access. step4

  5. Everything is fine, you are ready to go! step5

  6. Go to Channels configuration and create a new Channel.

  7. Fill the name and choose the Trello Method step7

  8. Your boards will be listed on "Trello Board" field, select one then select the "Trello Board List" step8

  9. Save it and you are ready to use!


First version of FeedbackTrello

Nov 04, 2015