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  • Added on Oct 22, 2015
  • Current version: 1.0.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


An October CMS plugin to add Slack method to Feedback plugin. This plugin adds the option to send messages from your Feedback form to a Slack webhook.

Slack is a messaging app for teams.

If you don't know Feedback, take a look at it now! https://octobercms.com/plugin/ebussola-feedback



  1. On your Slack channel, select "Add a service integration" Step 1

  2. Choose from the list of services "Incoming Webhook" Step 2

  3. Now, you choose the channel where the messages will be send and click "Add Incoming Webhook Integration" Step 3

  4. An instruction will guide you with technical details, but you don't have to care about this.

  5. The very important step is to copy the "Webhook URL". Step 4

  6. And paste it on a new Feedback Channel with Slack Method. Step 5

  7. Save it and you are ready to use!.

Customise the Slack BOT

Yet on the Webhook integration inside Slack, you can customise the name of the BOT and his icon.


The result will be something like this

Step 6


First version of feedbackslack

Oct 21, 2015