Tinkoff integration for OctoberCMS Shopaholic
Payment method for Shopaholic that allows your customers to pay using bank cards, Apple Pay, Google pay and etc. through Tinkoff Gateway.
To be able to use this gateway, make sure you are the business client of Tinkoff.
- One click install and intuitive settings.
- All test checks completed from Tinkoff requirements
- Full support of 54-ФЗ (54-FL Learn more)
- Divided settings of fiscal cheque method for order positions and for shipping
- English language is supported
- Tech support is available if bugs occured
- Constant updates to latest API requirements
© 2021, Biz-Mark under Commercial License.
Developed by Nick Khaetsky at Biz-Mark.
The following plugins are required

Helpers for faster development: pagination rendering, objects and lists caching, UI strings for using in third...
Helpers for faster development: pagination rendering, objects and lists caching, UI strings for using in third...

No. 1 e-commerce platform for October CMS
No. 1 e-commerce platform for October CMS

Orders for Shopaholic
Allows customers to purchase products using the cart
Orders for Shopaholic
Allows customers to purchase products using the cart
Buy plugin at OctoberCMS Marketplace, and attach it to your project.
Open Settings –> Payment Methods, create new or update existing payment method, on Gateway tab select Tinkoff and fill Terminal key and secret key that you get from Tinkoff after creating shop in personal account.
Completing test checks of payment gateway for Tinkoff
- Install plugin and configure it.
- Go to your account in Tinkoff and open terminal settings.
- Read instructions and complete tests
Capturing user after the successful or failed payment
This gateway using standard Shopaholic's event system.
Example of capturing user redirect:
// Success $obEvent->listen(BizMark\TinkoffShopaholic\Classes\Helper\PaymentGateway::EVENT_SUCCESS_URL, function ($obOrder) { return Page::url('order-complete-page', ['slug' => $obOrder->secret_key]); }); // Fail $obEvent->listen(BizMark\TinkoffShopaholic\Classes\Helper\PaymentGateway::EVENT_FAIL_URL, function ($obOrder) { return Page::url('order-failed-page', ['slug' => $obOrder->secret_key]); });
© 2020, Biz-Mark under Commercial License.
Developed by Nick Khaetsky at Biz-Mark.
This plugin has not been reviewed yet.
1.0.3 |
Added composer.json for compitability with October CMS v2 May 07, 2021 |
1.0.2 |
Addded missing en lang strings Dec 25, 2020 |
1.0.1 |
Compatibility with PHP 7.4 Sep 24, 2020 |
1.0.0 |
First version of TinkoffShopaholic Sep 01, 2020 |