Product support

Get help in the plugin support forum.



Buy plugin at OctoberCMS Marketplace, and attach it to your project.


  1. Create page with any url but with :slug param in url.
  2. Drop Payment form component in it. (You can edit default template by standard partial overriding)
  3. Open Settings of control panel –> Payment Methods
  4. Create new or update existing payment method
  5. On Gateway tab select CloudPayments
  6. Choose skin and fill up the required fields
  7. In Payment page field place url of page you just created with Payment form component.

Notification service configuration

  1. Open CloudPayments personal account
  2. Proceed to "Websites" tab on sidebar
  3. Open settings of your shop.
  4. Turn on this notifications (where https://my-website.com/ set domain name of your shop):
  5. Scroll down and click "Save notifications".

© 2019, Biz-Mark under Commercial License.

Developed by Nick Khaetsky at Biz-Mark.


First version of CloudPayments-Shopaholic

Nov 15, 2019