Simple and practical membership billing system, providing member account purchase, member order management, member customer service support and other functions, work with rainlab user
integration log-in
The following plugins are required

Front-end user management.
Front-end user management.

User Plus
This plugin extend the RainLab User plugin to some new fields.
User Plus
This plugin extend the RainLab User plugin to some new fields.

Twig Extensions
Add filters wordwrap, strftime, ltrim, rtrim, strip_tags, var_dump and more...
Twig Extensions
Add filters wordwrap, strftime, ltrim, rtrim, strip_tags, var_dump and more...
The following theme uses this plugin
Membership / Package Sales System
Need to install the theme of AdminLTE24Pro to experience the full features!
php artisan plugin:install BABA.EBill
If you want to experience the payment process, please install Omnipay Plugin
Attention please
When the plug-in is in installation, it will automatically create a Users account in Rainlab.User
Here is the information.
- name: ticket_support
- email:
- Password: xxxxxx (randomly created) It can use Rainlab.User plug-in to alter email, but cannot change name.
The plug-in implements a membership / package sales system, so the website admin can:
- Setup multiple membership levels / packages
- Sell the membership levels online (collect money at real time by paypal)
- Manage all member information
- Check charging records of each member
- Manage the customer support ticketing (check / reply client’s questions)
The website targeting clients can:
- Check the purchased membership / level package (pay by paypal)
- Order history
- Log in / register (centralize Rainlab.User plug-in)
- Personal information management
- Customer support ticketing (ask a question and check the reply)
Demo Site login/pwd:
- username:
- pwd: 1111
This plugin has not been reviewed yet.
1.1.0 |
add email notifications(new ticket, new reply, new order) Mar 29, 2021 |
1.0.9 |
create ticket suppport user account Mar 25, 2021 |
1.0.8 |
add_points_available_to_user Mar 25, 2021 |
1.0.7 |
Created table baba_ebill_message_reply Mar 25, 2021 |
1.0.6 |
Created table baba_ebill_message Mar 25, 2021 |
1.0.2 |
Created tables Mar 25, 2021 |
1.0.1 |
Initialize plugin. Mar 25, 2021 |