Product support

Visit this product's website for support.

  • Added on Aug 18, 2024
  • Current version: 2.0.2
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x use latest
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x not tested
  • Created by
  • Public repository


Site Manager

Manage sites for your theme in admin backend and use with help of components to display them and/or use code to manage them + with help of components.


This is my first plugin, and it took a hot min to figure out, but more updates and fixes coming;


As of August 21st, to install latest version of this, do:

composer update avixity/sitemanager-plugin:dev-main

looking for solution to fix the versions, as v2 introduced breaking changes.

Upgrading to v2

Upgrading to v2 is by reinstalling this plugin, and readding the data in the plugin settings as described in the documentation


  • October CMS 2 & above
  • Basic understanding of PHP & OctoberCMS itself.


php artisan plugin:install avixity.sitemanager

Why Is This Plugin Neccessary?

Efficiently manage and organize your website's essential site information with our Site Manager plugin. Easily create, edit, delete, search site information data, and use them in your themes and/or other plugins.

install and select SM


  1. First in SiteManager install this package, make sure it has migrated.
  2. In the backend you'll see "Site Manager" button, by clicking it and then on "Sites", you'll be taken to where you'll be adding your site informations.
  3. After adding x amount of your desired sites, you put the conponent where you'll do .forEach and manage each site for your theme/general needs.

Using In Code

  • Required to add the [siteManager] to get the database queries of data.
{% set sites = siteManager.listSites %}
            {% for site in siteManager.listSites %}
                {% if site.is_active == 1 %}
                    {% if site.category == 'Services' %}
                        <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
                            <!-- Single Service -->
                            <a href="{{ site.url }}">
                                <div class="single-service">
                                    <i class="fa {{ faIcons[site.title] ?? 'fa-question' }}"></i>
                                    <h4>{{ site.title | _ }}</h4>
                                    <p>{{ site.description | _ }}</p>
                            <!--/ End Single Service -->
                    {% endif %}
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}


This package is licensed under the MIT License MIT


Changed theme backend icon to a allowed type icon

Aug 21, 2024


Updated migration table with new settings

Aug 21, 2024


Created table sitemanager sites

Aug 14, 2024


Initialize plugin.

Aug 14, 2024