Product support

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  • Added on Nov 4, 2019
  • Current version: 1.0.2
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


The report widget


The plugin starts working immediately after installation without any configuration. It’s based on order create event of “Shopaholic Orders” plugin.

The plugin uses internal tables and classes and doesn’t interfere to Shopaholic configurations and database.

In the orders list you can add utm_source, utm_campaign, utm_medium, utm_term, utm_content columns. Also you can use filter field “utm” (look at the screenshots).

In the order’s detail page you can see the “utm” tab with the list of utm-parameters of particular order (look at the screenshots).

In the dashboard you can add a widget “Sources of orders” and choose the amount of days in the options. The widget draws a chart with the amount of orders grouped by utm_source value (look at the screenshots). In future it's planning to add some new widgets.

The plugin also provides you access to utm-attributes in php code:

$utm_source = $order->utm->utm_source;

Or you can get all utm-parameters via relation:

$utmParameters = $order->utm.


The plugin has configurable permissions for report widgets.


The plugin supports russian localization. The plugin uses UTM Saver plugin to save utm-parameters in cookies.


Shopaholic plugin added to dependencies

Nov 06, 2019


Initialize plugin.

Nov 03, 2019