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Allowing a Multi Tenant Setup and/or Multi Site Administration would be a huge benefit and make this solution a real asset to smaller agencies, independent developers and many others.


What do you mean by Multi-Tenant? Do you mean multi-user?


Example: As Freelancer or Agency I might serve not only one customer with one page. In many cases a freelancer or agency will (hopefully) have multiple customers. Multi Customer is about the same same as Multi Tenant. However, Multi Tenant AND Multi Site would mean having a setup that allows to setup a new client AND multiple Sites for that client (landing pages, promotions, corporate website,...) - in line with specific setting for each domain and contact/mail settings,...


I can't speak for anyone else, but that sounds like a lot of complication for not a lot of return, from a purely October development point of view.

Additionally, personally I'd rather keep separate installs for different clients, less to go wrong if one site goes down. It's a bit more overhead but the two custom CMS' I've used that do have the features you've been after have been an absolute pain to both maintain and develop with, more so than individual installs for different clients. Enough to put me off any sort of multi-tenant CMS ever again.


Ben, you have a point. However, what about a SAAS app built on October. We need to all for a database / storage setup for each client independently, even though the software is the same.


Really old post, but I'll reply anyway.

Joshua, you want separate sites all using the same database and files storage? Personally I feel the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

But! Very easy to do if everything is on the same server. Use a different prefix for each site in the database and different base folder/bucket for the storage.

That will definitely complicate restoring individual sites, how much to bill each tenant though, transferring of ownership, securing individual sites data, etc.

I have had some thoughts along these lines, to allow the creation of multiple static sites from a single CMS install. Haven't had a chance to play around successfully with the idea though.


Is there an official multi-tenancy plugin for october?


ajqb199153335 said:

Is there an official multi-tenancy plugin for october?

Have you tried Cumulus Core? I've not tried it yet, but it appears to do what you want. I'm starting to look at it for a multi-tenancy event registration system. I currently have it running on concrete5 as single installations per event but love the thought of Laravel and also multi-tenant. I've just got to see feasibility for features, development and cost.


I was in need of something similar, but as Tenant was being complicated to integrate with October, then I saw the Cumulus plugin, but it still wasn't something I needed, so I decided to write a plugin to meet this need together. with Multisite.

Anyone who wants to use it can check out the public repository below, I am open to suggestions.

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