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Hey everyone,
Something I think might be missing from the marketplace is a Wiki plugin. I'm new to Laravel and PHP in general (mostly Rails/Node, Java experience), otherwise I'd begin development of such a plugin myself, but also have little to no experience developing something open source for a community (mostly enterprise development exp).
Are there any base platforms already in existence based on the Laravel framework that could be ported? Is it easier to just develop from the ground up?
If anyone has some pointers I'd appreciate a solid entry point on where to begin, or, if you know anyone actively developing but haven't released yet let me know. I think duplication of effort is less than optimal.
++1 : and I'm very interested by this plugin. I'm also developping a plugin under October.
Sounds interesting But what you mean by wiki plugin? Pages are written in media wiki or pages with cross link or pages that can be edit by site visitors?
I too want a wiki and to answer a previous comment about how it differs from Pages, not much. I would expect a wiki to be editable from the frontend and not backend. You should be able to add/edit pages without logging in and of course you need edit history so you can roll back.
If I knew October a bit better I would have a crack at extending Pages and so would be interested to hear from anyone who knows how that should be done.
Hey everyone,
Has anybody started working on this Plugin?
Cause i started working on that Plugin today, but if somebody is already working on this i can offer my help.
I have not started anything yet as I don't know where to start. If someone gives me a list of jobs I shall start attacking them
I made a Repo on github. I will upload my first basic version till end of the Week.
i'm working on the edit history for the pages at the moment. And i'm thinking about using the Front-end User Plugin so we can manage users and rights for the wiki.
What other core features do you want for this plugin?
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