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Hello everyone,
In my form validation I use different required_if and it's working when I test if a boolan value is 1:
'has_bill' => ['required', 'boolean'],
'billing_vat' => ['required_if:has_bill,1'],
In this case I have no errors if I don't fill billing_vat when has_bill is false (0), But it doesn't work if I do this:
'has_bill' => ['required', 'boolean'],
'billing_type' => ['required_if:has_bill,1', 'boolean'],
'billing_first_name' => ['required_if:has_bill,1,billing_type,0'],
if this case, if billing_type is set to 1 , the validation fails on billing_first_name requirement, even if it shouldn't! (billing_first_name is required only if the billing_type is '0')
Any idea on how to resolve this?
Last updated
Did you try with true
and false
like this:
'billing_type' => ['required_if:has_bill,true', 'boolean'],
'billing_first_name' => ['required_if:billing_type,false'],
Yes but it did not worked. I tried again changing all the required_if test values with true/false instead of 1/0, and if I let the required fields empty, the validation returns no errors!
The problem comes when the required_if tests 2 different booleans:
'billing_type' => ['required_if:has_bill,1', 'boolean'],
'billing_first_name' => ['required_if:billing_type,0'],
Not working:
'billing_type' => ['required_if:has_bill,1', 'boolean'],
'billing_first_name' => ['required_if:has_bill,1,billing_type,0'],
Last updated
Open an issue on October's github repo regarding this and link it here.
Last updated
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