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I am working on setting up queues in my plugin. Locally it seems to work, but after uploading to my live server, I am getting errors when running a queue:
exception 'ReflectionException' with message 'Class \Cleanse\MyPluginName\Classes\Jobs\MyQueueClass does not exist' in /october/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php:741
What could be the issue? Is there a settings for default queue locations? The Documentation says you can: Queue::push('SendEmail', ['message' => $message]);
which seems like a nice short way to handle this, but I was having to use a longer path: Queue::push('\Cleanse\MyPluginName\Classes\Jobs\SendEmail', ['message' => $message]);
Tried using the closure method of a Queue::push and got:
[2017-05-30 02:41:33] production.ERROR: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Class 'Cleanse\PluginName\Classes\CategoryDir\CategoryClass' not found in /var/www/html/vendor/jeremeamia/SuperClosure/src/SerializableClosure.php(210) : eval()'d code:8
This is a common pitfall, make sure your folder names are lower case. Some operating systems are case sensitive.
For example the class \Cleanse\MyPluginName\Classes\Jobs\MyQueueClass
should be stored in a file called cleanse/mypluginname/classes/jobs/MyQueueClass.php
I had a similar issue, the pitfall for me was that I didn't pass the full qualified class name to queue
\Queue::push('HandleInvites@sendInvite', $vars); // wrong
\Queue::push('Am\Sigma\Classes\HandleInvites@sendInvite', $vars); // working
nohup php artisan queue:work --tries=3 daemon & in nginx octobercms project doesnot to run queue:work in production.if any help will be very helpfull.Thankyou
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