
A powerful October CMS Blog plugin. Boost your SEO with robust blogging tools by Radiantweb.

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I'm not really sure what happened, but I upgraded to October Stable Release & the v3.3.0 release of Problog and all of the content from my blog posts is gone. Has anyone else dealt with this? The blog posts titles are all still intact, but there's no content inside of the excerpts or the content tabs.

Can anyone tell me the file that the content for blog posts is kept in? I might be able to find it from a backup I'm trying to get from my web host. I hope that this doesn't discourage anyone from upgrading, overall the update looks good.


In addition, now anytime I try and add content to a blog post, I am getting this error:

"Call to undefined method October\Rain\Database\QueryBuilder::formatHtml()" on line 2101 of .../vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder.php


Looking into this.


formatHtml() bug was odd. it was a self:: call on the model...but....for some people that is calling the inherited class instead of the model. strange. v3.3.1 should have this resolved. As far as your may want to read through the docs again and make sure you are set up correctly, or if you have any customized views that they adhere to the present default example views. I try not to change too much...but when the core changes, we have to. And sometimes the new code is just straight up better code. So it does happen. But yeah, make sure your views are iterating correctly compared to the example views.


Thank you, thank you, thank you for updating the plugin to address that issue. Just the fact that I can update the blog posts that are currently in the system with the content is a huge help. To be totally transparent, I did edit the default.htm files inside of the plugin to make style changes. I didn't realize that I should make those changes inside of the CMS instead. The update breaking those is 100% on me. I'm a designer and I don't really know PHP so I'm flying blind with most of the stuff in and around October.

I'm still really not sure what happened to the content, the only thing that I can think is that I used HTML inside of the posts to layout the blog posts, idk if that could have interfered now that it seems that Markdown is the preferred way to input blog posts. I've certainly learned a lesson about not customizing without having proper backups. Again, thank you for your help.

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