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So as subject describes running this on windows with Apache/2.4.23 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2h and PHP Version 5.6.23.

The below checks fail even though the extensions are enabled in PHP.ini:

cURL PHP Extension is required

Test connection to the installation server

PDO PHP Extension is required

Mbstring PHP Extension is required

OpenSSL PHP Extension is required

GD PHP Library is required (this one is enabled as PHP_gd2.dll)

All other items come up as green/passed.

I'm not an Apache/PHP guru, but I've set up a few stacks in the past and looking online so far am not able to find how to fix this or why they do not work/get detected.

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

Last updated


I ran into such an issue once when my terminal and apache were using different versions of PHP I had installed. I was looking at enabled mods using the command line but of course apache's version was completely different and did not have these enabled. You might want to make sure that you don't have the same issue. Best look at you enabled mods in the browser using phpinfo()


Thank you pratyushpundir6424, I figured it out. Needed to:

  1. Enable 'extension_dir' line pointing it to the PHP extension folder.
  2. Add PHP folder path to PATH environment variable in Windows.

Now having problems with webpage styling not displaying like described here:

and here

Last updated


@ogoy17590 this problem usually comes from issues with mod_rewrite. You see, you are actually only accessing a single index.php page, but based on the rule defined in the .htaccess file, it changes the address from something like "" to "".

Try entering 'index.php' at the end of your home directory, I bet it fixes the styling issues.

You may simply need to enable mod_rewrite also. If it is already enabled, are you using a sub-directory? I.E. localhost/modx/index.php?


I've figured it out, silly thing too..sorry, but I bet I'm not the first one.

So I did not see the second Directory directive in httpd.conf of my Apache install, to modify AllowOverride from None to All. I changed it in first instance which was <Directory / >, but not the explicit one for htdocs folder, which had a lot of comments inside.

<Directory "${SRVROOT}/htdocs"> .... AllowOverride All

Last updated

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