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Just want to add my thanks to the October team....
Haven't even started looking and I'm already blown away... excellent...
Win7 - Apache: 2.4.4 - PHP: 5.4.12 - Wampserver
Last updated
OctoberCMS is amazing, I have a couple of weeks testing and coding my own plugins, and I'm excited with the simplicity of the needed code.
I can't wait for the first release!!!
Last updated
Just wait until you guys see some of the upcoming features :) October can and will just keep getting better!
In the interests of full disclosure, I chose to use OctoberCMS for my latest freelance project before I'd really done a tremendous amount of research into all the PHP-based CMS options currently available... Something about the site presentation just seemed promising. Then, after working with October for a couple months, I did that research, and found that nothing else out there right now really compares. And this isn't even a release candidate yet!
I was down with Laravel before October, and my October experience only reinforces that choice as well. Now that I'm over the hump on the learning curve in terms of extending models, using the Builder to create my own plugins, and creating my own components, the possibilities are seeming pretty endless, knowing I can make complex sites with full functionality in a fraction of the time I used to be able to do it. Three cheers, team!
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