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I'm currently building a plugin which needs a simple category/sub-category implementation. I decided to use the SimpleTree trait, since the NestedTree is too complex for what I want to achieve. However, for some reason it doesn't seem to work.
When I use the "type: relation" in my forms.yaml file, it keeps telling me there is no definition for "parent" in the model, while I think I might assume this would be solved by the SimpleTree implementation. I tried to get around this by adding the "parent" definition as a $hasOne, $belongsTo etc. But to no avail.
Another problem caused by this is the user being able to select a category as its own parent... Which is totally wrong. I've been trying to get it fixed, but no luck so far. Hope someone can help me out.
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Post some sample code on the github issues list, so it can be replicated, and I will take a look.
Category model =>
Category fields.yaml =>
Here's the code. Apparently it works for the forum plugin when using nested trees... Would expect similar functionality with SimpleTree
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Worked for me, but I had to define the relations in the model:
public $hasMany = [
'children' => ['\Celepar\Catalogo\Models\TipoServico']
public $belongsTo = [
'parent' => ['\Celepar\Catalogo\Models\TipoServico']
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