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When choosing the layout for a static page, the order I see is not sorted. Is it possible to change this so layout names or displayed on the pulldown menu in sorted order? I'm referring to where the user can choose the select for the viewBag[layout] variable. Makes everyone in my working group nuts!
I didn't find that to be true. The ordering for me is based on the date the layout file was created. I have these layouts:
cookie-policy.htm default.htm page-1col.htm page-2col.htm search.htm sitemap.htm thanks-info-request.htm
They display in this order on the layout menu: default.htm page-2col.htm sitemap.htm search.htm page-1col.htm thanks-info-request.htm cookie-policy.htm
which was the order they were created... I wish this would be improved to sort by your layout description.
I did some digging, don't know if i'm on the right track. viewBag[layout] seems to control the layout chosen for a page and in plugins/rainlab/pages/classes/page/fields.yaml we see this:
tab: cms::lang.editor.settings
type: dropdown
options: getLayoutOptions
Is there a way to sort the options? If so, how?
You're right, it is by creation date...
The only way to change this is to add this to your plugin's boot method:
public function boot()
\Event::listen('backend.form.extendFieldsBefore', function($formWidget) {
if (!$formWidget->model instanceof \RainLab\Pages\Classes\Page) {
$formWidget->tabs['fields']['viewBag[layout]']['options'] = 'getSortedLayoutOptions';
\RainLab\Pages\Classes\Page::extend(function($model) {
$model->addDynamicMethod('getSortedLayoutOptions', function() use ($model) {
$result = [];
$layouts = \Cms\Classes\Layout::listInTheme($model->theme, true)->sortBy('description');
foreach ($layouts as $layout) {
if (!$layout->hasComponent('staticPage')) {
$baseName = $layout->getBaseFileName();
$result[$baseName] = strlen($layout->description) ? $layout->description : $baseName;
if (!$result) {
$result[null] = \Lang::get('');
return $result;
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