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Could you please forward me to a good article about how to use Polymorphic relations? After making a few tries it seems the RelationRender fails to render poly relations if I use <?= $this->relationRender('tags'); ?> for example. I've tried to use in fields definition
label: Tags
type: checkboxlist
and checkboxes are rendered but relation data is not saved.
I'm trying to make a tags for the companies and categories :
public $morphMany = [
'tags' => ['Max\PluginName\Models\Tag', 'table' => 'max_taggables', 'name'=>'taggable'],
public $morphTo = [
'companies' => ['Max\PluginName\Models\Company', 'table' => 'max_taggables', 'name'=>'taggable'],
I would like to acheeve the same relation form as for the belongsToMany relation which works fine with definition like:
label: Tags
list: ~/plugins/max/pluginname/models/tag/columns.yaml
toolbarButtons: add|remove
showSearch: true
recordsPerPage: 10
list: ~/plugins/acme/cmmp/models/tag/columns.yaml
Last updated
To make this work, you will need to edit the RelationsController.php file in /modules/backend/behaviors/RelationController.php
You will have to add in the morph cases in several places. Looking at the docs, they do not support Polymorphic relations in the backend
I don't know why, but this is painful.
Thanks for suggestion, but I did it via new FormWidget. I passed needed data to it and I work in my widget class to acheeve logics. relationcontroller stays the same in this case.
Hi Max, any possibility for you to share your code on this widgetform please ? it looks an interesting idea to solve this problem indeed, thanks
Chris , Like I wrote before the RelationController saves the data from form so the only thing was necessary is to display these in a correct way:
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox_Form-field-Company-tags_'.$tag->id.'" name="Company[tags]['.$tag->id.']" value="'.$tag->id.'" checked="checked">
This form widget is very simple and I had no time to make it flexible for all fields. I have to remake it in the future.
But there was a tutorial video on Vimeo not so long time back about how to extend relationController for deeper then 3 levels, I think the same tutorial can be used for this task as well.
Hi Max, thanks for your reply. I cant seem to open the rar file, it keep looping while uncompressing it. I am using a Mac, perhaps that is the reason ? I think the video you are referring to is the one demoing the acme.formist plugin, is that right ? It helps well for the creation of a new morph relation model in a modal window. What I dont see is how to display the morph relation model in the first level form so that the user does not need to click on a button to open and see the morph relation model data. Do you see what I mean ?
maxDubovsky said:
Here is the zip:
I hope it will help
Hi max, any chance you can reupload the widget again? Thanks.
daniel.rojas58117 said:
maxDubovsky said:
Here is the zip:
I hope it will help
Hi max, any chance you can reupload the widget again? Thanks.
Sorry, this was a few years ago. But there should be a doc how to create formwidget (use artisan).
In the formWidget php file I used:
public function render() { $this->prepareVars(); return $this->makePartial('tags'); }
* Prepares the form widget view data
public function prepareVars()
$this->vars['name'] = $this->formField->getName();
$this->vars['value'] = $this->getLoadValue();
$this->vars['model'] = $this->model;
$this->vars['var'] = 'pased_value';
$this->vars['model_id'] = $this->model->id;
if ($company = Company::whereId($this->model->id)->first()){
$this->vars['alltags'] = $company->tags;
$this->vars['alltags'] = array();
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